Thesis Formalities

  • Thesis Length: Confirm the exact length with your supervisor. If your supervisor does not provide specific instructions, aim for at least 80 pages, as this is the typical length for Master's theses at the University of Vienna.
  • Title Pages:  The first title page with the logo of the University of Vienna will be automatically generated in u:space upon thesis upload. The second title page with the logo of your first-year University must be added to your thesis document prior to uploading it to u:space. Templates for this will be provided by Birgit Kaiserlehner.
  • Format: Use DIN A4 size paper.
  • Margins: Maintain suitable margins to avoid binding issues.
  • Font: Utilize a standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Abstracts: Provide both English and German abstracts, each consisting of at least 500 characters (incl. spaces). 
  • Important note: There is no final oral examination (defence) for EMGS Students. Only thesis submission is necessary.

How to submit your thesis

  1. Get approval by your supervisor: After finishing your thesis, your supervisor will need to give his/her approval before you can upload it to u:space .
  2. Inform the SSC and Birgit Kaiserlehner: Once uploaded, sign the upload confirmation, send it to the SSC from your unet email address and notify Birgit Kaiserlehner.
  3. Plagiarism check: Once the plagiarism check has been completed, the e-version of your thesis will be sent to your supervisor for assessment. You will be notified of the assessment from the SSC by email.
  4. Submit hard copies: Please only order the printing of your thesis once the plagiarism check has been successful. Consider to submit two hard copies with hardcover and double-sided printing. You have to submit the two print versions of your thesis within 10 days after your electronic submission at the SSC. You can either submit them during the opening hours of the SSC or at the porter's lodge on Campus (Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.). Alternatively you can send the hard copies to the SSC by registered mail. Please be aware that you are obliged to submit print versions of your thesis (§ 86 UG).
  5. Final certificates: You will receive your final certificates from the SSC by email. If you need or want to have the documents as hard copies, please write a mail to the SSC from your unet email address and inform the colleagues about your residential address.
  6. Congratulations, you have made it! Time to celebrate at the Graduation Ceremony