EMGS Team at the University of Vienna

Head of Studies

Prof. Dr. Christian De Vito

Department of Economic and Social History
Contact: christian.de.vito@univie.ac.at 
Research Interests: Global Labour History, Social History of Punishment, Micro-Spatial History

Head of Studies

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Juliane Schiel

Department of Economic and Social History
Contact: juliane.schiel@univie.ac.at
Research Interests: Labour History, Slavery Studies, Historical Semantics

Note: Prof. Schiel will be on sabbatical during the summer semester 2025. For all matters related to the  EMGS program, please contact the Co-Head of Studies, Christian de Vito. For administrative issues, reach out to our local coordinator, Birgit Kaiserlehner. 

Administrative Coordinator

Birgit Kaiserlehner, BA MA

Department of Economic and Social History
Contact: birgit.kaiserlehner@univie.ac.at
Room: ZG201.87 (main bulding, staircase VI)

Student Assistant

Jil von der Laden, BA MA

Department of Economic and Social History
Contact: jil.von.der.laden@univie.ac.at 
Room: ZG201.87 (main bulding, staircase VI)

Student Representatives 2024/25

EMGS Faculty

Department of Economic and Social History

Department of History

 Department of Contemporary History

Department of Legal and Constitutional History 

  • Univ.-Prof. Lena FOLJANTY
    Contact: lena.foljanty@univie.ac.at
    Research Interests: Processes of globalisation and translation in law, Transnational history of legal practice and legal methods, Law in Nazi Germany and legal processing of Nazi crimes, Legal gender studies, intersectionality and Critical Race Theory
  • Univ.-Prof. Miloš VEC
    Contact: milos.vec@univie.ac.at
    Research Interests: History of international law, Law in the Industrial Revolution, Scientific history of public law, History of criminalistics & criminology

 Faculty Center for Transdisciplinary Historical and Cultural Studies

 Department of International Development

Department of Sociology

Department of European Ethnology

  • Univ.-Prof. Alexa FÄRBER 
    Contact: alexa.färber@univie.ac.at
    Research Interests: Cultural urban studies (city and promise, Islam in urban spaces…) representational work, visual cultures/practice (genealogy of photography and promise…), Economic anthropology, Cultural studies of work

Department of African Studies

Institute of Cultural Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)  

  • Dr. Anaïs ANGELO
    Contact: anais.angelo@oeaw.ac.at 
    Research interest: Colonial and postcolonial history, African history with a focus on women’s history and political history, archives and sources, biography and autobiography writing; decolonization; feministpostcolonial studies.

Department of East Asian Studies

Department of Near Eastern Studies

Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies